Thursday, April 14, 2011

Observations of Current Japantown

Observations at 2 AM
-deserted place, only a few people on Dunlevy (New World Hotel)
-Oppenheimer Park has no lights, dark place
-East Cordova and Powell St are busy streets but the park is a dark place in the middle with no lights at night
-No character (i.e. street signs, lights such as Chinatown)
-Prostitution (at Jackson and Cordova)

Oppenheimer Park has no lights, the people who drive by cannot see but a dark field.
Would lights help people to get people's attention?
Do we want attention?

Abandoned by people? (No bars, restaurants, 'go-to places')
Only one grocery store is open (Tamura House, at Dunlevy and Powell)
Where do the people go?
Why do they leave?
What would bring them back to Oppenheimer Park?

Observations at 11AM
-Smell (differs in every street dependent on the time of day)
-Gathering on the streets around Oppenheimer Park
-Slow movement
-Lots of interaction between people
-Big line-ups at Franciscan Sister of Atonement (Dunlevy & Cordova)

It is a busy place during the day. Lots of cars driving by and ltos of people on the streets. Strong and small community where people know each other

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